FunchFilm Video
Production Services
Athletic Recruiting Videos
If you're trying to get a NCAA athletic scholarship, we can provide the video production services necessary to put together an eye-popping demo video. We work closely with you and your coach/trainer to put together a package that works for you.
(If you're viewing this website on a mobile device, click the back box with the white lines on the top right of the page to view the website menu.)
In addition to shooting demo footage of your games, we can edit existing game footage to create a highlight reel, shoot scouting videos, shoot recommendation interviews with your coaches, trainers, etc., and prepare your footage for upload to video sharing sites.
Coaches, our services are not limited to individual athletes; we can provide the same services for your entire team. Please contact us for more information.
We are located just south of Quakertown, Pennsylvania in Bucks County, and we serve Bucks, Montgomery, and Lehigh counties.
For information on shooting games, please click here.
For information on editing existing game footage, please click here.
For information about our season packages, please click here.
Skills Demonstration Video
A video that demonstrates a student's individual sports skills (such as catching, hitting, batting, etc.)
Shot with multicameras and in High Defintition. We also own a GoPro for underwater/swimming footage.
Price includes editing of existing game footage. Shooting additional game footage will incur additional charges. Please see rates list below.
For more information, please email us.
Season Package
*We will transfer the complete raw footage to DVD, videotape, or hard drive for you at no extra charge. We can also transfer footage via services such as Dropbox. For more information, please contact us.
**For more information about our season packages, please click here.
Videotaping a Game (Editing included)*
Editing Preexisting Footage
Season Package**
$1,500 (Indivdual Athlete)/$2,000 (Team)