FunchFilm Video
Production Services
FunchFilm Video Productions Wedding Video Samples
(The above video player is a YouTube video playlist that has been optimized for viewing on smart phones and mobile devices. To access the other videos, please click on the icon with the three bars in the upper right corner of the video player to bring up the list of other videos. Click on the video you want to see and to close the video listings, click on the "x" icon that appears on the upper righthand of the list.)
The above samples are taken from weddings that we have shot between 2009 and now. There are only excerpts on this page; for a number of reasons we do not put entire wedding videos online. The final videos will not be watermarked. Some of these videos have been compressed for easier viewing online. The final DVD and/or Blu-rays will look much sharper and better. If you have any questions, please email us.